Wednesday, January 13, 2010

With a New Year Comes New Writing...Soon

So the new year kind of caught me off guard with a family emergency and problems at work. Suffice it to say, I haven't been around as often as I'd like. This year I intend to devote at least two hours a week to writing and if I feel I've written something worthy of online publication (so to speak) I'll toss it up here for you. My first piece should be pretty intriguing; it's tentatively called "Perelesnytsia" so stay sharp! Hopefully it'll be up within a week or so; I'm toying with different formats right now so there's some heavy revision.

Naturally as followers you will also get to be in on the critiquing process; writing is rewriting, it is often said, and I'm not deluded enough to think I'll get it right the first time. If, after I post something, you feel it needs another revision, add a comment and I'll treat each criticism as that of the utmost importance.

Anyway, I'm off to my volunteer job for a couple hours of tea and writing. Until we meet again!

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