Sunday, January 31, 2010

Catching Up

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around lately. School was a bit of a headache for a while, getting into classes and so on, but I'm back. I'll be updating on a weekly basis or so and just letting you know what's new on this end.

So I'm taking two English courses this year, English 245 and English 215. The latter is a mandatory course for English majors, but looks promising with some of the books we'll be reading, including excerpts from Aristotle, Freud, and Foucault. The former is an in-depth analysis of a prominent literary figure, and in this case it's the Southern writer Flannery O'Connor. I'll admit I hadn't heard of her before this class, and didn't know what to expect in taking such a class but I've been reading her short stories and have to say I'm quite impressed! It's fascinating to think her first short story, "The Geranium" was published when she was just 22 years old. I can't help but think that she was only three years older than me and she was already published. I guess that's just more motivation for me!

The class I'm most interested in, however, would have to be my Comparative Literature class, Comp Lit 135. It's an exploration into apocalyptic literature and how it relates to society through the ages. For those who have read my bio, there's little in the literary world I find more enjoyable than the post-apocalyptic genre and this class, which analyzes the strengths of the human condition in post-apocalyptic settings, is guaranteed to be entertaining and thought-provoking. If that's not enough, the book list for the class includes Kurt Vonnegut, Alan Moore, and Jose Saramago! Needless to say, a very exciting class.

I'll be starting work on another short story soon; I've got a great little idea I'm trying to flesh out into something tangible. It's a dystopic piece, which is a new genre for me, but it should be a rather rewarding experience. Stay tuned!

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